Interview Preparation Study Plans Combo

🎊50% OFF (Limited Time Sale)🎊

Crack Your Technical Interviews

Join the 1000+ self-taught developers

Track what you learn.
Stay motivated in your journey.
Use your time well.

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Check out the package deal! 🏷️

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Interview Preparation Combo

Crack your technical interviews!

This is for you if:

You're gearing up for technical interviews and want a structured approach to prepare effectively.
You are comfortable with at least one programming language.
You prefer having a clear, step-by-step study plan that guides you through the essential topics, from fundamentals to advanced concepts.

Interview Preparation Study Plans Combo

50% OFF (Limited Time Offer)
  • 20 Days Python Study Plan
  • 90 Days Data Structures & Algorithms Study Plan
  • Your Guide to Writing a Great Resume as a Software Engineer

Tired of
unstructured learning content?

Then our study plans have got you covered!

Hosted on Notion App


Our study plans are live on Notion. This means you can customise them to your liking and make use of all the features available in Notion!

Lifetime Updates


You'll get lifetime access to updates. We keep our combos updated and frequently add new resources that you'll get access to free of cost in the future.

Created by Industry Professionals


Our study plans are upto date with industry standards. This guarantees that you're learning what's currently required in the current job market.

What's included?


20 Days Python Study Plan

This study plan is suitable for people who are already familiar with at least one programming language.


90 Days Data Structures & Algorithms Study Plan

This study plan will make you proficient in Data Structures and Algorithms (in 90 days if you wish to take the challenge).


Your Guide to Writing a Great Resume as a Software Engineer

This comprehensive PDF guide covers everything from choosing the right format and layout to showcasing your skills, experience, and projects in a way that will catch a recruiter's eye.


Customizable Timelines

The study plans are customizable. You can adjust the timelines to fit your commitments.

You can add or reduce the number of days and weeks according to your needs. Simply drag and drop the tasks to fit your updated timeline.

Edit feature in Notion

Progress Tracker

The Kanban Board feature makes it easy to track your progress towards your goals.

You can mark tasks as "Completed" and "In Progress".

This visual system is great for keeping you motivated and focused.

Kanban Board feature in Notion

Watch, Read, Practice

The templates come with a mix of resources, including YouTube videos, blog posts, documentation, and practice exercises on each topic.

This variety of resources ensures that you stay engaged and motivated throughout your journey.

Whether you prefer to read, watch, or practice, we have something for everyone.

Resources section

Pomodoro Timer Included

The templates also include a Pomodoro Timer, so you can manage your time effectively and stay productive.

This time management technique has been proven to increase focus and productivity, making it the perfect addition to the templates.

The Pomodoro Timer also comes with a built-in lofi music player!

Embedded Pomodoro Timer


If you're looking for complete courses, check these out instead:

JavaScript Mastery 2.0

JavaScript Mastery 2.0

The Complete HTML Course for Beginners

The Complete HTML Course for Beginners